If you are interested in digging deeper into the JOE stats, we have developed a set of downloadable data tables that include all of the statistics that power the website data explorer. Data tables are separated by geography and are available in a variety of file types. Each download includes a main data file for the selected geography. County, commuting zone and national downloads come with supplementary files which contain flags indicating which statistics are aggregated over a higher geographical level than the observation would indicate (e.g. a statistic aggregated over county group). County and commuting zone geography downloads also come with crosswalk files that allow you to convert between county and county group, and county and commuting zone, respectively. Information on the variables can be found in the codebook that is part of the download package. For technical details on the production of the statistics, please see the Methodology page.
Geography | File Type | Zipped | Unzipped |
Keith Finlay, Michael Mueller-Smith and the CJARS team. 2024. Justice Outcomes Explorer (JOE) [dataset]. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan. https://joe.cjars.org